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Treatments available to enhance your facial structure.

What are Acne


Acne, also known as pimples, is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with debris. This encourages the growth of bacteria and hence, leads to inflammation. Depending on its severity, it can sometimes lead to scarring of the skin. It affects people of all ages but is found more particularly among teenagers. It is always recommended to treat inflamed acne early to prevent scarring. 


What are the symptoms of Acne?

It can be aggravated by hormonal changes (during menstruation or ingestion of oral contraception), thick and greasy make up, stress, and medication. 

Patient may present with varying symptoms:

  • Whiteheads (closed comedones)

  • Blackheads (open comedones)

  • Red and painful bumps (papules)

  • Painful solid lumps beneath the skin (pustules)

How can Acne be treated?


There are varying treatments for acne. It is important to prevent acne formation, and to treat them early to reduce the chances of forming acne scars. Apart from daily cleansing, topical antibiotics and oral medications can be prescribed to eradicate the bacteria and control sebum production.


Other forms of treatment include laser, which is often used to treat inflammatory acne and helps in overall acne formation. It also helps to improve pigmentation caused by acne. In addition, microneedling radiofrequency can also be used to treat chronic acne and improve acne scars. All of these treatments can be combined with medi-facial, which help better cleanse the face and aid in extraction of comedones. 


Let us clear those imperfections for a perfect skin.

Clarion Medical And Aesthetics

301 Upper Thomson Road

Thomson Plaza #03-17

Singapore 574408 

T 65759819 F 65759825


Mon - Fri


Sun & PH

 : 08:30 - 19:00

 : 08:30 - 16:00 

 : By Appointment

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A step away from a beautiful you.

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